How a Business Website Helps Your Business

writing content for website

  • Credibility
  • Marketing
  • Educate and inform 
  • Sales
  • Provide FAQ’s and other instructions
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Contact information
  • Gather leads through downloads or newsletter sign ups
  • Schedule appointments
  • Customer feedback
  • Many More

Websites help grow your business. 

Communicate Your Value, Products and Services

Will they understand what your business is about in the first 10 seconds they look at your website? 

Is your value to the customer identified?

communicate value with images, An image is worth a thousand words. 

Post compelling images and video that communicates your story. 

Remember Mobile-first, so make sure your mages are compressed so they load fast.

What content should I put on my business website?

Who, What, When, Where, How and Why?

Use Images and words, and video to clearly and succinctly communicate

Remember 85% use a mobile phone, so “short and sweet” web copy but be sure to have at least 300 words a page so the search engines take your site seriously.

Search is very important, at the top and bottom of the page

Make is Easy  to contact you - email, and/or phone, contact us button at top of page

Call to Action, every page need to include a call to action to purchase a product, contact you.

Become an expert

Post unique, interesting and quality information about your industry, products and about how you offer value

Learn more, please use the contact us form on the sidebar, we can help you:

  • Make a plan for your business website
  • Create a Request for Proposals to hire a Web Developer
  • Evaluate your website and make recommendations for changes
  • Help with SEO, Search Engine Optimization

  • Install a WordPress site, 
  • Teach you how to add content 
  • Work with you to customize the website.